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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Ship Channel Bridge construction stopped over design flaw

The Harris County Toll Road Authority's largest project to date is being put on hold to fix a potential design flaw in the Beltway 8 Ship Channel Bridge, a spokesperson confirmed Tuesday. HCTRA announced they plan to pause construction on the main pylons of the cable-stayed portion of the bridge replacement project. HCTRA hired an independent consultant to review the design. More: https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/hctra-to-pause-construction-on-ship-channel-bridge-to-fix-possible-structural-weakness/285-ae4a99a4-211d-4fcf-b0e5-dd3ead6ba772

Media-ID: 349840
Erstellt im/am: 9. Januar 2020

KHOU 11 / YouTube

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