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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


The Camp Adventure Tower

Experience the diversity of nature as you walk up the tower via a 650 meter twisted ramp that opens the forest from the bottom to the treetops and further up to spectacular views of South Zealand. The top of the forest tower reaches 135 meters above sea level, and is the highest point available on Zealand. From the top you can see more than 25 km beyond the beautiful South Zealand nature. If you look north, in clear weather you will see the Øresund Bridge, Turning Torso in Malmö and parts of the Copenhagen skyline including Bella Sky and Ørsted Works. The observation tower is designed by EFFECT architects, with consideration of the beautiful nature. Facts: Height: 45 m Ramp length: 650 m Materials: Corten steel and oak Ramp circles: 12 Weight: Approx. 600 t Boards: 7.750

Media-ID: 368692
Erstellt im/am: 2. April 2019
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Geändert am: 11.01.2022

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Dänemark (2019)