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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Madrid - Architectural Guide

Buildings and Projects since 1919


Medium: Buch
Sprache(n): Englisch
Verlag: DOM publisher
Veröffentlicht in: Berlin, Deutschland
Seite(n): 176
Jahr: 2017
ISBN-10: 9783869223988
ISBN-13: 978-3869223988
Einband: broschiert
Bemerkungen: This guidebook showcases 150 buildings from the past 100 years starting with one of the most ­influ­ential urban projects ever: the Gran Vía. This main ­avenue marked a milestone for ­Madrid which went from being a historic city to the modern capital that it is today. This intervention had been ongoing for ­almost two decades with the initial phase of ­construction reaching completion circa. 1917. A selection of the most relevant buildings thereafter until the present day sheds light on Madrid's architecture in relation to its inherent ­historical ­context, includ­ing the need for the reconstruction of built ­heritage after the ­Spanish Civil War, the influence of the ­Franco dictator­ship lasting for almost forty years, and the new ­materials and ­collaborative architecture that have ­arisen ­during the current economic crisis, among other aspects. Seven proposed routes lead us through the ­different districts that make up the city, as well as those historic epochs that have made Madrid the city it is today.
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