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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Blasting-Induced Vibration Response of the Transition Section in a Branching-Out Tunnel and Vibration Control Measures


Medium: Fachartikel
Sprache(n): Englisch
Veröffentlicht in: Advances in Civil Engineering, , v. 2020
Seite(n): 1-11
DOI: 10.1155/2020/6149452

Blasting-induced vibration during the excavation of transition section in a branching-out tunnel causes damage and hence affects the safety and stability of the supporting structure and surrounding rock. To examine the effects of excavation and blasting of the transition section in the posterior tunnel on the supporting structures of the anterior tunnel, the influences of the blasting-induced vibration in the posterior tunnel on the anterior tunnel were analyzed under different surrounding rock levels, excavation techniques, distances from explosive source, and net spans. This method was performed by combining numerical simulation with blasting-induced vibration monitoring according to the construction characteristics of the transition section in a branching-out tunnel of a highway. A control technique was investigated to assure the safety and stability of the anterior tunnel during the excavation and blasting of the posterior tunnel. Results demonstrate that (1) the vibration velocity peak behind the blasting excavation surface of the tunnel is higher than that in front. These results suggest paying much attention in monitoring vibration velocity within 10 m behind the excavation surface. (2) The blasting-induced vibration velocity peak on the spandrel at the side that faces the blasting in the anterior tunnel is 2.0–2.5 times than that at the side behind the blasting. Moreover, the blasting-induced vibration velocity peak on the haunch at the side that faces the blasting in the anterior tunnel is 6-7 times than that at the side behind the blasting. (3) Instead of the full-face excavation method, the use of center cross diagram (CRD) technique or side wall pilot tunnel method is suggested for the excavation of surrounding rocks of IV-level, V-level, and III-level with a net span smaller than 3 m. (4) Vibration control measures, such as double wedge-shaped cut blasting and floor blast-hole staged detonation, were adopted by designing and optimizing blasting parameters (e.g., total explosives, maximal segment explosive quantity, detonation order, and detonation interval) in posterior tunnel. According to the test, the blasting-induced vibration velocity peak, which is monitored in the anterior tunnel, can be controlled within 10 cm/s to assure the safety and stability of the supporting structure and surrounding rocks of the tunnel.

Copyright: © 2020 Feng Cao et al.

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