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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Autor(en): ORCID

Medium: Fachartikel
Sprache(n): Englisch
Veröffentlicht in: Buildings, , n. 12, v. 12
Seite(n): 2100
DOI: 10.3390/buildings12122100

This study examines the impact of COVID-19 sentiment on office building rents and vacancy rates in China with a COVID-19 sentiment index constructed based on Baidu search queries on COVID-19-related keywords. We analyzed the data of office buildings and economic data from 2013 Q3 to 2022 Q2 in seven major Chinese cities with a two-stage Error Correction Model framework. We found that a heightened level of COVID-19 sentiment significantly and adversely affects the Chinese office buildings market. Specifically, office building rents decrease more than 8% if a city is exposed to an increase of one unit of COVID-19 sentiment for an entire quarter. The interaction terms model further reveals that the COVID-19 sentiment has a more substantial impact on office building rents where office vacancy is higher, reflecting an asymmetric effect. The findings here support the fear sentiment hypothesis. The findings suggest that a heightened level of investors’ COVID-19 sentiment resulted in a deterioration of office rents, reinforcing the role of investors’ sentiment in the pricing of office buildings. The findings suggest that investors should consider investor sentiment, particularly COVID-19 sentiment, in their decision-making.

Copyright: © 2022 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

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