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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Dynamic and Static Multiobjective Topology Optimization for Gears of Directional Drill Transmission System

Autor(en): ORCID

Medium: Fachartikel
Sprache(n): Englisch
Veröffentlicht in: Advances in Civil Engineering, , v. 2023
Seite(n): 1-13
DOI: 10.1155/2023/2977092

Aiming at the multiobjective topology optimization design of the structure, this paper proposes a method to establish the comprehensive objective function based on the normalized subobjective of the compromise programming method and to determine the weight coefficient of the subobjective of the comprehensive objective function by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). By using statistical analysis and modal analysis, the static and dynamic characteristics of the gear can be obtained. The single objective topology optimization is used to reduce the compliance of the gear and elevate the low-order natural frequency, and the frequency weighting method is used to suppress the oscillation phenomenon in the frequency-single-objective optimization. AHP was used to determine the weight coefficient of each subtarget. The compromise programming method is used for multiobjective topology optimization, and the gear design is improved according to the optimization results. By analyzing the improved gear structure, the weight of the optimized gear is reduced by 25.3%. The overall stiffness performance and strength performance are enhanced, and the natural frequencies of each order are improved to different degrees.

Copyright: © Xiaohong Zhao et al. et al.

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