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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Productivity estimation of cutter suction dredger operation through data mining and learning from real-time big data


Medium: Fachartikel
Sprache(n): Englisch
Veröffentlicht in: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, , n. 7, v. 28
Seite(n): 2023-2041
DOI: 10.1108/ecam-05-2020-0357


This paper presents a new approach of productivity estimation of cutter suction dredger operation through data mining and learning from real-time big data.


The paper used big data, data mining and machine learning techniques to extract features of cutter suction dredgers (CSD) for predicting its productivity. ElasticNet-SVR (Elastic Net-Support Vector Machine) method is used to filter the original monitoring data. Along with the actual working conditions of CSD, 15 features were selected. Then, a box plot was used to clean the corresponding data by filtering out outliers. Finally, four algorithms, namely SVR (Support Vector Regression), XGBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosting), LSTM (Long-Short Term Memory Network) and BP (Back Propagation) Neural Network, were used for modeling and testing.


The paper provided a comprehensive forecasting framework for productivity estimation including feature selection, data processing and model evaluation. The optimal coefficient of determination (R²) of four algorithms were all above 80.0%, indicating that the features selected were representative. Finally, the BP neural network model coupled with the SVR model was selected as the final model.


Machine-learning algorithm incorporating domain expert judgments was used to select predictive features. The final optimal coefficient of determination (R²) of the coupled model of BP neural network and SVR is 87.6%, indicating that the method proposed in this paper is effective for CSD productivity estimation.

Structurae kann Ihnen derzeit diese Veröffentlichung nicht im Volltext zur Verfügung stellen. Der Volltext ist beim Verlag erhältlich über die DOI: 10.1108/ecam-05-2020-0357.
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