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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


A Study of the Mechanical Properties of Polyester Fiber Concrete Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge during Construction


Medium: Fachartikel
Sprache(n): Englisch
Veröffentlicht in: Buildings, , n. 11, v. 13
Seite(n): 2849
DOI: 10.3390/buildings13112849

This study investigates the mechanical performance of a polyester fiber concrete continuous rigid frame bridge during construction and the spatial stress distribution of the 0# block box girder, with a focus on the backdrop of the bridge in Pipa Zhou, Jiangxi Province. Stress monitoring at critical cross-sections during bridge construction was combined with FE simulations to analyze the stress and alignment deviation variations along the cantilevered construction process of the bridges. Subsequently, after validating the accuracy of the whole bridge model, the actual internal force of the box girder cross-section was extracted to act on the 0# block box girder solid model, and the spatial force of the 0# block box girder under the state of maximal cantilever and the completed bridge was further investigated. The results indicate that during cantilever construction, the top, and bottom plates of the box girder were subjected to compression, with the bottom plates having relatively low compression stress close to the critical values for compression and tension. Attention should be paid to controlling tensile stress application. After reaching a quarter of the bridge’s span in construction, the alignment deviation of the main beam increases, necessitating enhanced monitoring and adjustments of the main beam elevation. Furthermore, FE analysis shows that under maximum cantilever and the completed bridge states, the stress variations of the top and bottom plates of the 0# block box girder remain consistent, with the top plate stress varying by no more than 2.5 MPa and the bottom plate stress varying by approximately 1 MPa. Moreover, the 0# block box girder shrinkage cracks were mainly located in the bottom and web plate, and the number of cracks in the 0# block box girder with polyester fibers was reduced compared to the cracks in the ordinary concrete box girder.

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