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Towards a new agenda for Integrated Design

 Towards a new agenda for Integrated Design
Beitrag für IABSE Symposium: Long Span Bridges and Roofs - Development, Design and Implementation, Kolkata, India, 24-27 September 2013, veröffentlicht in , S. 1-7
DOI: 10.2749/222137813808627163
Preis: € 25,00 inkl. MwSt. als PDF-Dokument  
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Large Span Bridges are the pinnacle of infrastructure. Designing them requires concerted effort between several specialized disciplines. The working method of Integrated Design has proven to be a s...

Bibliografische Angaben

Medium: Tagungsbeitrag
Sprache(n): Englisch
Tagung: IABSE Symposium: Long Span Bridges and Roofs - Development, Design and Implementation, Kolkata, India, 24-27 September 2013
Veröffentlicht in:
Seite(n): 1-7 Anzahl der Seiten (im PDF): 7
Seite(n): 1-7
Anzahl der Seiten (im PDF): 7
Jahr: 2013
DOI: 10.2749/222137813808627163

Large Span Bridges are the pinnacle of infrastructure. Designing them requires concerted effort between several specialized disciplines. The working method of Integrated Design has proven to be a successful model for producing signature designs: it leads to the realization of not merely a structure, but to the creation of a landmark, which is source to inspiration to everyone experiencing it. With the focus on infrastructure moving towards the great urban conglomerates like Delhi, Mumbay and Kolkutta, designers will have to come to terms with the fact that large scale landmark bridges will be set in densely populated areas. Boldly, the driver’s view will be experienced as often on a daily basis or even exceeded by the experience of the soffit view by those living and working in utmost proximity to the structure. Does this call for a new chapter in Integrated Design?