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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Diamond Jubilee Footbridge by one-world design

2015 Update to the previous animation. The proposal has now been granted full planning permission by the Mayor of London, Hammersmith and Fulham, and Wandsworth. In addition Wandsworth have committed to building a bridge in this location. We would like to thank Hotel Rafayel and Palace Investments for their continued support and Expedition Engineering, Beckett Rankine and the planning departments at Wandsworth and Hammersmith and Fulham for their instrumental advice and input. The proposed connection between Chelsea Harbour and Battersea would be beneficial to the communities, transport links and businesses on both sides of the river and is supported by planning policy. One-world design have progressed designs for the Jubilee Bridge, named due to its timing and its proximity to the departure point of Her Majesty the Queen as she joined the Diamond Jubilee Flotilla. More information about one-world design can be found at www.one-worlddesign.co.uk

Media-ID: 368803
Erstellt im/am: 25. März 2015
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Geändert am: 11.01.2022

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