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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


First 3D Printed Bridge in the World - Design Render

https://iaac.net/institute-advanced-architecture-catalonia-designs-first-3d-printed-bridge-world/ The first pedestrian bridge printed in 3D in the world was inaugurated last December 14 in the urban park of Castilla-La Mancha in Alcobendas, Madrid. The Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) was in charge of the architectural design of the bridge, which has a total length of 12 meters and a width of 1.75 meters and is printed in micro-reinforced concrete. With the design of the bridge printed in 3D, the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) remains committed to innovation and becomes a global pioneer in the use of large-scale 3D printing. The 3D printed footbridge of Alcobendas represents a milestone for the construction sector at international level, since, to date, this technology has not been applied in the field of civil engineering.

Media-ID: 368906
Erstellt im/am: 16. Dezember 2016
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Geändert am: 11.01.2022

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