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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


BEZ_DRONE - Maputo-Catembe Bridge, Mozambique

Africa’s longest suspension bridge Currently, travelling between Maputo and Catembe can be done by taking a 40-60min trip across the Maputo Bay on the limited and ageing ferry services available. The other option is to drive around the bay, a journey that takes at least 3h due to the very poor condition of the roads. The new bridge, when completed, will cut travel times considerably. The 3Km Maputo-Catembe Bridge will consist in a 1230m precast concrete element on the south approach, a 1100m cantilever bridge on the north approach and a 680m suspension bridge, to be built 60m above the Maputo Bay to ensure that ships can pass underneath it on their way in and out of the International Port of Maputo.

Media-ID: 369027
Erstellt im/am: 27. Juni 2017
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Geändert am: 11.01.2022

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